Monday, June 4, 2012

Robosapien is hacked with a BX-24 at George School, 2006

Robosapien is hacked with a BX-24 at George School, 2006 Video Clips. Duration : 1.43 Mins.

Robo Sapien Toy Robot | Robosapien is hacked with a BX-24 at George School, 2006

With Robodyssey's Hack-A-Toy kit, the remote-controlled Robosapien is converted into an autonomous robot. My students and I rewired Robosapien so it would respond to our BX-24 microcontroller commands rather than the remote control. (We added a switch so we could toggle between autonomous-mode and human-controlled-mode.) A Sharp infrared range finder, which was secured to the robot's chest, was used to determine if an object is in the robot's way or if the robot is near the edge of a table. In either case, the robot grunts, backs up, chooses a random direction to turn (left or right), turns, and then moves forward again. After a couple of minutes, the BX-24 tells the robot to go to sleep, which is also shown in the video. (Listen for the snoring.) Wow-Wee manufactures the Robosapien and Robodyssey Systems manufacturesRAMB II motherboard you see here. The robot's brain is NetMedia's BX-24 microcontroller, which is programmed using the BasicX language. If you want to learn how to hack your own Roboaspien, see Robodyssey's step-by-step tutorial at I am the author of the world's only BasicX textbook; if you are interested in learning how to program your own robot, see my website at
Tags: Robot, robosapien, hack, toy, Robodyssey, infrared, ranger, range, computer, programming, autonomous, BX-24, basicx, George, School

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