Friday, February 24, 2012

Remote Control Disc Shooting Robot from Hawkn's Bazaar

Remote Control Disc Shooting Robot from Hawkn's Bazaar Video Clips. Duration : 0.75 Mins.

Robo Sapien Toy Robot | Remote Control Disc Shooting Robot from Hawkn's Bazaar Remote Control Disc Shooting Robot A talking remote control robot that shoots foam discs at its victim Enthusiasm for this disc shooting robot has gone through the roof here at Hawkin HQ! Operating the robot from the remote control is easy and grasped in an instant, so that it's simple to make it move around and do its stuff. It is also programmable from the chest panel 'Master, I await your command' is stated in a suitably sober robotic voice - give a list of commands, press 'go' and it will do them in sequence as you have requested. Functions include 'dance', 'turn', 'raise gun', and our favourite, 'fire disc'. With a stack of foam discs loaded inside, programme the robot to take aim on unsuspecting victims before powerfully and rapidly firing discs at your target - brilliant! Whilst performing the functions it will announce phrases such as 'you are under arrest' and 'identify yourself', and the voice is spot on too, commanding and officious. We love it and we are absolutely certain you will too!
Tags: electronics, disc shooting, robot, remote control, hawkins bazaar, hawkin tv

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