Sunday, December 25, 2011

Robosapien, by

Robosapien, by Video Clips. Duration : 0.27 Mins.

Robo Sapien Toy Robot | Robosapien, by

I won't beat around the bush, I would like to promote this robot and see it do well! And no, I don't get any money for mentioning that. If he does well, other toys of this same calibur will be made, and with technology the way it is, I can't wait to see what's next! I have been seeing Robosapien in stores, but for us to gain full appreciation, we really need to see him in motion. He is a bit pricey, but when you figure all the engineering and development that went into this little guy, he is really quite reasonable compared to other toys. First of all, he is very well made. You can only tell that by picking him up, feeling his weight, hearing the gears whine, and smelling the light oil needed for this exotic toy's function. Consider a remote controlled car which goes forward, backward, left, right, fast, and slow. Well, this is a remote controlled "man" or robot that does a little bit more. He is even stable on carpet! Please download the mpg's I have linked to get a better feel for him. Robosapien is full of personality!
Tags: robosapien1, jeffbots

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