Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chibots and EMGRobotics at Chitag 2010

Chibots and EMGRobotics at Chitag 2010 Tube. Duration : 2.95 Mins.

Robo Sapien Toy Robot | Chibots and EMGRobotics at Chitag 2010

Chitag is the chicago toy and game show. Chibots was invited for entertainment, and we delivered. I ( eric gregori ) brought my collection of interactive toy robots from wowwee and hasbro. Emgrobotics brought chumby and kinect based robots using the robot vision toolkit. And chibots brought some hand built robots, a humanoid, and solarbots.
Tags: kinect, robot, chumby, chibots, chitag, solarbots, robosapien, r2d2, emgrobotics

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