Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ben's Robosapien -- George School 2008

Ben's Robosapien -- George School 2008 Video Clips. Duration : 1.67 Mins.

Robo Sapien Toy Robot | Ben's Robosapien -- George School 2008

For his winter term exam, my student Ben Biros programmed a hacked Robosapien to autonomously navigate a tabletop and avoid obstacles. While the Robosapien was designed as a remote-controlled toy, we modified it so the robot will receive commands from an implanted BX-24 brain and RAMB II motherboard. In robotics, the word autonomous means "independent" or "having the ability to operate on one's own". Robodyssey Systems manufactures theRAMB II motherboard you see here. The robot's brain is NetMedia's BX-24 microcontroller, which is programmed using the BasicX language. I am the author of the world's only BasicX textbook; if you are interested in learning how to program your own robot, see my website at
Tags: robot, Robosapien, infrared, sensor, tabletop, obstacle, computer, programming, autonomous, BX-24, basicx, George, School

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